Hours & Other Stuff
Tours are by Appointment.
We have limited hours because we are all volunteers.
Appointments can be made for Thursday-Sunday
by texting 'Appointment Please' to 802-356-2776
We are open Friday Nights (6ish) for Piano Night & Tuesday Nights (7:30) for Movie Night.
Click below for a map...
58 Bridge Street, White River Junction, VT 05001
"Admission is by donation"
What do we mean by OBO?
You may see events listed as $10. OBO
We mean 'Or Best Offer'
We never want to turn someone away for lack of resources. Art should be accessible. Yet at the same time, artists and bills need to be paid. We try to strike a balance. When we have an event with expenses we list it as OBO. Please plan according to your budget. We accept Venmo, PayPal & cash. We welcome volunteers in lieu of payment as well.
On the occasion that the MUSEUM is rented for an event that is open to the public. Fees are set by the person/organization renting. We have little to say about how much they choose to charge. However, we always hope they will share our feelings about accessible art. Specific events may be underwritten by local businesses (Like WRJ PRIDE & Gory Daze. Most recently, Vermont Humanities has helped us bring both Artis Wodehouse and Joe Citro to the Museum).
Please note that donations and rentals are how we support ourselves. We are not supported by big grants or town or state funding. This is YOUR museum and venue.
We are the Blanche DuBois of Museums...we rely upon your kindness.

Round things.